Slaley Parish Council

Slaley Parish Councillors and Clerk

Slaley Parish Clerk

Samantha Dalglish


The Parish of Slaley is currently navigating the process of co-option under section 91 of the Local Government Act 1972. We will provide an update when a quorum council has been re-formed. For any further information, please contact the Clerk.


County Councillor 

Colin Horncastle         


01434 618259

Slaley Parish Council

Slaley Parish Council normally meets at 7.00 p.m. on the second Monday of each month in Slaley Commemoration Hall. An agenda is published on the Slaley website before each meeting, and is pasted on the Parish Notice Board (corner of Slaley Churchyard) within the statutory notice period; the official minutes are posted on this website after their adoption by the Council.

Quarterly updates of the Parish 'Action Plan' keep the recommendations for parish improvements firmly at the forefront of many decisions taken during monthly meetings. Public participation is welcomed, and an agenda item is included for each meeting; a Hexham Courant reporter is invited to Slaley Parish Council meetings.

Northumberland County Council: 0845 600 6400
Local Rate number: 01434 400388

Please report any problems via: (follow the links to "Report a Problem").


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