Community Environment Group

Slaley, Healey & Hexhamshire Community Environment Group


Priority Action Area 6 - Natural Resource-Based Carbon Sequestration

The County enjoys a vast spread of land and forestry.
Carbon is sequestered by forestry, grassland, wetlands
and peat, while carbon losses occur on existing
cropland and natural land that is converted to cropland.
We will continue to work with our partners in our
natural capital sector to progress integrated land use
which enhances, safeguards sequestration and the
associated biodiversity, whilst supporting local
climate action and boosting rural economy.

Priority Action Area 2 - Engagement and Partnership

The Council cannot achieve its ambition of a net-zero
county by 2030 in isolation. The actions of residents,
visitors and businesses will be integral to meeting this
goal. We will commit to engaging and partnering to
Inform, Consult, Empower and Evaluate on initiatives
and activity focused on climate change and the
environment. We will seek to drive a cultural shift
across the county through taking a number of key
actions, including the creation of a Community
Climate Champions network, working with residents,
communities, businesses, the third sector, visitors
and staff. 

Priority Action Area 7 - Reducing Waste

Northumberland County Council will support and
engage our communities to consider a more circular
approach to our economy and reduce waste by
supporting efforts to design out waste, keeping
materials in operation and productive use for as long
as possible. This will reduce climate impacts and open
new opportunities for businesses and consumers to
provide and purchase sustainable goods and services. 

Priority Action Area 4 - Transport

We will take a number of actions as part of this plan
to help transport in the County become, wherever
possible, low carbon with zero tailpipe emissions,
protecting local air quality and reducing noise.

Priority Action Area 3 - Heating Existing Buildings and New Buildings

Poor energy efficiency in both domestic and nondomestic buildings results in the demand for excess
heating. This causes unnecessarily high carbon emissions
and energy costs. We will address this by progressing
our work towards low-carbon district heat networks in
our towns and supporting the implementation of
renewable heat sources in rural areas, such as heat
pumps, by supporting residents to apply for available
funding support and drawing inward investment into
the County

Priority Action Area 5 - Renewable Energy Generation

Continuing to generate energy from renewable sources
across the County is both sustainable and a driver for
economic growth. Whilst we acknowledge that the UK’s
national grid is projected to decarbonise substantially
between now and 2030, there is much that the Council
can do to support renewable energy generation. We
will achieve this through taking a number of actions
including continued support for renewable technology
where installations are technically possible, economically
feasible, environmentally advantageous and socially
acceptable: including wind, solar and hydro. 


This is a small group of people with different interests who want to work together to address some environmental and community issues.


Anyone can join.. Look at the contacts link to find how.


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