
The Whitley Chapel Players

"A Murder Mystery", Pantomimes & other shows.

Ideal fundraising ideas for home or community.

Contact David Nixon of Hesleywell on 01434 673580 or email timeforarest@aol.com

Slaley Commemoration Hall

The Hall offers a small meeting room, large hall with portable staging, fully-equipped kitchen (cookers, 'fridge, commercial dishwasher), central heating and access for disabled.

An ideal venue for parties, drama, concerts, fund-raising, etc.

Hire charges are available on the Village Hall page Village Hall - Bookings Page

Booking Village Hall - Bookings Page

Phone: 01434 673001 or email slaleych@gmail.com

Hall Chair - Ros Doonan

Phone: 07803 003828

Slaley Film Club shows one film each month, usually on the third Friday, but we have a summer break with no films from May to August. We also provide a supper, but not drinks, during the interval for an inclusive charge of £6 (£3 for under-16s). We feel that this makes the evening more attractive and more of a social event. 

We can take payments online using the button below (which will help us keep track of numbers), or when you arrive at the Hall.

If you would like to receive our emails about forthcoming films, please send a request to Michael Elphick ...


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